supporting our cadets
Is a Team Effort
At Rickover, we rely on student leaders and our staff to lead our school, but parent and community involvement is also a key ingredient. Our Board of Govenors and Parent Advisory Council brings students, staff, parents, and community members together to lead Rickover in decision making and choosing what is best for our cadets. If you are interested in learning more or getting involved. Please contact us below.
Board of Govenors
The Board of Governors Is made up of staff, cadets in leadership roles, parents, community members and advocates. Their role is to ensure that Rickover is investing in the best education resources and opportunities for our cadets. The board will make decisions regarding hiring new staff, budget, plans and more. Meetings are open to the public and will be posted on our calendar.
Parent Advisory Council
The Parent Advisory Council (PAC) was formed by Chicago Public Schools to provide parents/legal guardians, teachers/staff, and community individuals with the opportunity to work with their principal in the planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of the Title I Program.
The primary goal of the PAC is to empower parents to inspire and assist their children in achieving educational goals, including, but not limited to, graduating from high school.
Parent Advisory Councils:
provide training opportunities for parents to improve their literacy and parenting skills
work to create equal partnerships between teachers, staff, and parents in the education of students
give information to parents that will enable them to work with the school to promote their child(ren)’s grade level progress and academic achievements
allow parents to be involved in revising the school’s parent involvement policy and provide input to the school’s CIWP programs
Get Involved
If you are interested in learning more or getting involved, fill out the form below, and someone from our staff will reach out.