Change Happens Here


A Proud Chicago Academy With an Emphasis In

student leadership

“People often think if their kid attends a military academy they have to join the military, and that’s not true. What we do in military academies in Chicago, Rickover specifically, is use the military model of self-discipline, self-discovery and leadership to help our kids figure out what it is they want to do for the rest of their lives. The military is just a vehicle to help them get to where they really want to be.”

–Mr. Michael J. Biela, Superintendent


Take AP & Dual Credit Classes

RNA-A Family Fester

Experience A comprehensive arts & Music program

RNA-2 boys on track

use our top of the line athletic facilities


Boat on lake michigan with our sailing club


Travel with friends

Raising up a New Generation Of

Renaissance men & women

At Rickover, it is part of our mission to develop problem solvers, productive citizens, respected leaders, and lifelong learners. Through their time here, cadets discover more about themselves and learn to approach new topics and challenges with open minds. As a result, they will often uncover new strengths, capabilities, and interests that they can use to excel in life and help others.

RNA-conference rm group

Working Hard Today to

Prepare for the future

Rickover provides a foundation for life after high school by empowering cadets to excel academically, engage in meaningful leadership training and gain experiences that prepare them for post-secondary success.

“Who will thrive at Rickover? I think anybody who wants to have fun, but also knows when it’s the right time to be serious and work hard”.

— Rickover Cadet

Sea Dragon Success

Rickover At a Glance

Level 1

CPS School Rating


Grades Taught




Scholarships per Grad


Grads accepted to Post-Secondary Ed.

RNA-girl speaking

At Rickover

your voice matters

We consider all students to be unique individuals with their own abilities and potential. At Rickover, we strive to support the strengths of all of our cadets and help them realize their own dreams.

We have a student voice committee and an open-door policy for our students. We believe that students are partners in making our academic and school cultures positive. Students have helped us develop the school community we currently have.


We are all sea dragons

Click below to learn why Rickover might be the school for you!